Only six FBI agents with advanced Arabic?!?

Here's an MSNBC story that registered pretty high on the WTF meter:
Though he's one of only six FBI agents with advanced Arabic skills, Youssef believes that, since 9/11, the FBI has blocked him from playing a significant role in the war on terror. He claims discrimination, and sued the FBI in 2003.
(HT: Sullivan) Never mind the discrimination stuff, why the hell does the FBI have only six agents with advanced Arabic skills? Can they send some people over to the Defense Language Institute? Or is that just for the military? Surely they could send some folks over to one of the zillion schools that any flat-footed Google search could turn up (in 0.28 seconds, in my case). Is there some explanation for this? Maybe lots of FBI agents have "intermediate" Arabic skills that are sufficient to do their work? Dude, 9/11 was over five years ago. We should have armies of Arabic-speaking counter-terrorism agents. They certainly would be more useful than sending more tanks to Iraq.


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