Churchill award for Donald Rumsfeld

I'm not the only one who thinks it is completely bonkers for The Claremont Institute to give Donald Rumsfeld its Churchill award. Scott Horton in Harper's:
Churchill had a firm grasp of the common cultural values of the Anglo-Saxon peoples—of the role of Rule of Law and the eternal quest for freedom as the inspiration for their evolution. Rumsfeld, on the other hand, unleashed a Hobbesian chaos on Iraq and, when challenged, uttered “stuff happens.” One is perhaps the greatest political orator of the last century, the other a bumbler so comical that his words provide endless material for political satirists. One was a man of a great moral vision, the other a figure so morally compromised that he is likely to pass the balance of his life battling well-grounded charges of war crimes. They come as close to being polar opposites as possible in the English-speaking world.
(via Sullivan, as usual). This whole Iraq fiasco is a stark demonstration of how different groups of people can live in very differnent realities.


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