YouTube Schmaltz: Potter porn w/U2 soundtrack

My wife insisted that I post this Harry Potter montage set to the tune of U2's "The Sweetest Thing". If you're a sucker for Potter cheese you might find it terribly endearing. I didn't care for it all that much.

(I found this on Crooks and Liars in a post about how conservatives are setting up their own version of YouTube because they think it's too liberal.)


Anonymous said…
I'm a Harry Potter fan (anxiously waiting for Book VII), but I am not persuaded that this montage is worthy of Internal Monologue.

However, seeing as how various other posts (Atheist Stripper of the Day?!) weren't worthy either, I won't object too loudly.

Maybe you should have a Greatest Posts compilation, including such timeless classics as "Coin Fight" and "Nostril Salsa." Yeah, those were the days, before IM sold out and went corporate... or something.

Zachary Drake said…
I'm glad you agree with me on the lameness of that montage.

But please, there have been no "Atheist stripper of the day" entries. There have been two Atheist of the Day entries that have been porn stars, which is a very different thing than a stripper. Although it's true that most porn stars start out as strippers (including the two featured on this blog, if their bios are to be believed), porn stars of the stature featured on Internal Monologue have advanced beyond mere stripperdom.

I've been thinking about an Internal Monologue's "greatest hits" post (or sidebar). Now that I've been blogging for over a year, there might be reason for such a compiliation. Yes, Internal Monologue has moved away from material like "coin fight" and "nostril salsa" in favor of more "Republicans looking stupid" You-Tube videos. Perhaps I should increase the frequency of creative writing entries, but I'm always stumbling on some outrage that needs to be blogged.

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