Best Blogging Tip Ever

Here it is, from upyernoz at rubber hose:
tip #1: be happy with the blog you have

the dirty little secret of blogging is that only a limited number of people will ever be hot-shot high hitters. sure, there are things you can do to improve your chances of becoming a blog sensation (like the tips in all those other blogging tip posts). but even if you do all those things, odds are you'll never make it big. it may not be fair. but that's just the way things are. sure, blogging is a platform that can give a powerful voice to people who might not otherwise have one. but most of the time, for most people, it simply gives you a platform to write a lot of stuff that the vast majority of humanity will never read.

if you can't come to terms with that, my advice to you is to stop blogging. unless you're happy with the idea of not being the next atrios, you're liable to become a twisted bitter shell of a blogger. a blogger who alternates between spamming a-listers with blast emails about each of your earth-shattering posts, and complaining about how all the a-listers are ignoring you.

blogging is supposed to be fun. but to be fun, you need to be happy with what you already got. and if it's not fun, you should quit. life's too short to be hunched over a computer writing stuff if no one's paying you for it and when you're not enjoying doing it.
I commented in response:
Great advice. Sometimes I think I should pick some niche and totally specialize and dominate that niche so I can build a big readership and get a bunch of Google Ad revenue and blah blah blah.

But really I just want to post things that strike me, or thoughts I had that I would not otherwise be able to share. Most of my readers are my friends and family, and that's fine. Your tip helped me see that.
Of course, I do take great delight in what small Google Ad revenue I do manage to get! We're up to $110.86!! Woot!!!


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