Impeachment already polling at 39%

Here's yet another example of the vast disconnect between political "conventional wisdom" and what real Americans actually think. A recent poll showed that 39% of Americans favor impeaching both Bush and Cheney. 55% are opposed, 6% are undecided/don't know. That's an enormous amount of support, given that the idea is dismissed by all the "serious" folks. Just think what those numbers would look like if the talking heads and pundits took the idea seriously. At the very least, all those who think impeachment is a "fringe" idea can be swatted over the head with this poll.

And these numbers are from a polling firm with Republican roots, and were published in Human Events, which bills itself as "Leading the Conservative Movement * Since 1944".

Let's get some movement on this!

(HT: Heraldblog, who got it from Crooks and Liars.)


Vigilante said…
Shooter wants to do it again!

As acting president he has already manipulated America into an illegal invasion of a country not threatening us. Now - yesterday - still as acting president, he is trying to commit the USA - that's US! - to attacking another country not threatening us! He continues to validate Article III of Kucinich's Impeachment bill H Res. 333! The S.O.B. is a serial war criminal and ought to have been impeached already! Call your Representative today (202) 225-3121 and tell him how Shooter is driving, without either license or registration.

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