What Glenn Greenwald said

Just because you said "no" to Bush once doesn't make you a saint:
Compared to the likes of, say, David Addington and John Yoo, it is certainly true that James Comey, John Ashcroft and Jack Goldsmith had slightly greater limits on what they would tolerate. But the praise for the latter has become excessive. The "heroic" trio still ultimately endorsed the unquestionably illegal warrantless eavesdropping program, along with the whole host of other radical and lawless Bush policies, from the indefinite and process-less detention of even U.S. citizens on U.S. soil to secret Eastern European prisons and a whole range of "enhanced interrogation techniques."
The issue is that to canonize them -- to pretend that they are some sort of Crusaders for the Rule of Law -- is to ignore the fact that they have endorsed and enabled some of the most radical and lawless presidential behavior in our country's history. Their "rebellion" is quite redolent of the rebellion from the McCain/Warner/Graham trio on torture, where they dramatically opposed the administration only to then acquiesce and endorse the crux of the radicalism in exchange for a handful of relatively minor modifications on the margins.
The danger from this misleading ritual is that the faux "dissenters" -- who are in fact loyal Bush ideologues in every meaningful sense -- come to been seen as principled heroes and thus define the outer limits of legitimate deviation from the Bush agenda. And any objections to whatever policies they endorse come to be seen as shrill and unserious (after all, even the Principled, Nonpartisan and Independent James Comey/John McCain/Arlen Specter have accepted it).
This as been another edition of What Glenn Greenwald said. I am so sick and tired of the bullshit "principled Republican resistance" to Bush's policies. It never produces anything meaningful, and as Greenwald points out, only serves to make real opposition to Bush look bad. As far as I'm concerned, if you have an 'R' after your name, you're a Bush enabler and part of the problem. I'd love to see a revolution within the Republican party, but I think they're going to have to lose a few more times before that's going to happen. (Non-existent) God help us if the Republicans win in 2008, because that will be a vindication of everything that has been going on under this administration.


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