Quote of the Day

Pam Spauling on how Democrats and Republicans treat homosexuals:
— while the wishwashy Dems take our money and make us sit at the back of the bus, these creeps in the GOP will take your money and then run over you with the bus.
I think that's a pretty accurate reading of the political situation. It follows a depressing pattern: Republicans use bigotry to stir up votes, while Democrats try to keep their heads down and not lose too many bigot votes. No political leaders stand up and say the bigotry must stop. Race, homosexuality, immigration, pre-emptive war on people from different cultures, all seem to follow this pattern. I hope the new emerging political landscape changes that dynamic.

Gay marriage is one of those issues where the rest of the Western world seems to be leaving us in the dust. The Tories in Britain (that's the conservative party over there) are OK with civil unions. I'm glad the tide seems to be turning on this, but it's frustrating to see other countries move ahead so much faster.


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