Dude, I am so printing my own D&D miniatures...

Image from New York Times

...once these 3-D printers become available to consumers:
PASADENA, Calif. — Sometimes a particular piece of plastic is just what you need. You have lost the battery cover to your cellphone, perhaps. Or your daughter needs to have the golden princess doll she saw on television. Now.

In a few years, it will be possible to make these items yourself. You will be able to download three-dimensional plans online, then push Print. Hours later, a solid object will be ready to remove from your printer.
Then I'll have as many Large Black Dragons as I please! I could also print my own dice (I bet it would be easy to make loaded dice that were virtually undetectable...moohahahaha!)...my own castle wall sections...

I suppose it won't be long before these 3-D printers incorporate dyes into their stuff so they can print in color, too.



Anthony said…
Wouldn't they be Large Grey Dragons under existing technology? :)

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