Hillary Clinton and Robert Byrd want to de-authorize occupation
This is a bold move and a good one, and enough for me to put Hillary Clinton's picure on the blog:
(HT: DailyKos' mcjoan). Yo Congress: Don't back down because of Bush's veto of the Iraq spending bill. Force him to back down. He's at all-time low approval ratings. 28% is abysmal. Republicans will have to flee from him. Or if they don't, they will suffer electoral disaster. Keep up the pressure. End the occupation.Washington, DC -- In remarks on the Senate floor, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that she and Senator Robert Byrd will introduce legislation to end authority for the war in Iraq. The legislation will propose October 11, 2007 -- the five year anniversary of the original resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq -- as the expiration date for that resolution.
"The American people have called for change, the facts on the ground demand change, the Congress has passed legislation to require change. It is time to sunset the authorization for the war in Iraq. If the president will not bring himself to accept reality, it is time for Congress to bring reality to him," said Senator Clinton on the Senate floor.