Republican quotes KKK founder on the House floor

Oh dear. Not cool.


-ben said…
Well, at the same time, let's not forget that the Democratic Party was known as the "Party of Slavery" and stood for slavery and the expansion of the hideous practice. The Republicans are proud of their Abolitionist roots, while the Democrats... they just conveniently forget to list it on their website.

No single aspect of the liberal character defines it as much as the truncated perspective. (Cathy Davidson)
grishnash said…
In favor of slavery 150 years ago, against it today. Yet another Democratic flip-flop.
AutismNewsBeat said…
-ben, do you have a point? Or do we get to make one up for you?

"There's nothing wrong with modern day Republicans pandering to racist voters, because 150 years ago, southern Democrats were pro-slavery."
- Thus sayeth the Philospher King known as -ben
-ben said…
Ah, here we go again, attacking the messenger :-P

Or do we get to make one up for you?

Oh, you mean like how you made John "Flip-flop" Kerry sound all so much more intellectual than Bush, but it turned out that Kerry actually had a lower GPA than Bush in college?

Isn't that what you do? Or, do you feign reading miscomprehension when the truth hits you. My point? Why the omission of the Democratic Party's links to slavery?

As for pandering to racist voters, you might want to check out the Democrats' alliance with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Speaking of which... hey, when are they apologizing to the 3 Duke lacrosse players?

The point? The point is hypocrisy. Pure and simple.

I would ask you to run (from the truth) but, at your age, you might drop dead from a cardiac infarction, so just shut down your computer. That way, you can earn enough carbon credits to visit Al "In 1 month I use what an average American household uses in electricity a year" Gore's mansion someday.

Take your soft-bigotry and shove it. I've seen plenty of your kind.
Zachary Drake said…
Flame war on IM! Awesome...I'll fan the flames in a moment...childcare calls...
Zachary Drake said…
OK, actually I'm not going to fan the flames. Obviously, -ben (is that "negative ben", like -2 is "negative 2", or is it "suffix ben", where the preceding hyphen indicates a suffix, like -ing or -tion?) has a very different perspective.

I think Ben's bringing up Dem support for Slavery in the Civil War era is absurd. It goes without saying that the parties have metamorphosed almost beyond recognition since then.

I think the quote -ben uses at the end of his first comment

If Democrats quote racists or use other forms of signalling that bigotry is OK, they should be called on it. I admit I am not as vigilant in my policing of Dems, but I figure the Republicans and folks like -ben have that job well covered.

For example, I think Sharpton's recent comment saying that Romney doesn't really believe in God was absurd. Mormons believe in God, and to imply that they don't is ridiculous. Of course, I'm also annoyed that not believing in God was implicitly assumed to be a bad thing.

I am aware that Kerry's GPA at Yale was lower than Bushes. But that doesn't mean Kerry isn't more intellectual. There's a lot more to grades than whether someone is intellectual or not.

My beef with Bush has never been about lack of raw intelligence. It is that he is profoundly incurious about the world, and seems completely convinced of his own correctness regardless of the evidence. As a result, his actions end up being stupid, even though I don't think he's particularly dumb.

As to the rest of -ben's namecalling, I don't think it's that productive. Although I admit I've engaged in simlar insult hurling, I hope I have directed my venom at more specific policies and outrages rather than just hurling it scattershot at a bunch of unrelated items. Brining up Al Gore's energy consumption, Sharpton's racism, Dem support of slavery in the Civil War era, and Kerry's GPA in one thread just seems silly.

Zachary Drake said…
Oops, I forgot to finish a couple of my paragraphs:

I think the quote -ben uses at the end of his first comment kinda starts the name calling. I think after quoting that, his cry of "attacking the messenger" rings rather hollow. (And I disagree that liberalism is characterized by truncated perspective. I don't think conservatism are characterized by it either.)

-ben, conservatives are welcome here, but please try to stay on topic. If you think it's hypocritical for me to say "not cool" when a Republican quotes a KKK founder on the House floor, you are free to bring to my attention recent statements made by Democrats made on the House floor that you think are equivalently "not cool". But bringing up 19th century stances that are completely irrelevant to today's political landscape is not going to win you many converts here.
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