Not the worst bit of Iraq occupation planning...

Image of "Wall of the Fallen" from
webpage of Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (R-MI)

...but symbolically quite resonant:
Congress already has run out of space on a memorial created last year to honor all of the U.S. service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In a grim sign of the times, the "Wall of the Fallen," set up by House Republican leaders in June, is almost full. The mounting death toll from Iraq has forced U.S. House staffers to study how to reconfigure the display in the lobby of the Rayburn Building - the largest office building for members of Congress - to squeeze in more names.


In the current format, there is space for about 130 more names, but 506 Americans have died since mid-November. In April, 104 Americans were killed in the war's sixth-deadliest month.

(HT: Think Progress via Atrios)


AutismNewsBeat said…
Smaller font sizes? Tighter kerning?

Or maybe Bush could give the fallen shorter nicknames. Sgt. Antonio Hernandez, killed in Baghdad by a roadside bomb, becomes "Meathead".

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