Congratulations, Doctor Sarah Taylor!

Sarah before the ceremony. Doesn't she look cute in her PhD hat?

Only one post on Internal Monologue today, celebrating the graduation of the author's wife. I don't get to call her Doctor quite yet, as the dissertation must actually be filed (and completed) before it becomes official. The title of her dissertation: 'Cause I want to do something with myself: Vulnerable emerging adults navigate school and work transitions. Ms. Taylor was also recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award. I will spare my readers all the mushy sentiments that I felt upon seeing her receive her degree, but I will so far as to say that I'm so proud of her and everything she has accomplished.

Here's Sarah, receiving her hood from her dissertation committee chair, Susan Stone:


ST said…
I'm so honored to be featured on Internal Monologue! : ) I'll also spare your readers the mushy sentiments, but I will say that you are a wonderful support to me - a wonderful father and husband.
Anonymous said…
Holy #*$&!! Congratulations Sarah. Also, happy mother's day.
Anonymous said…
FABULOUS! Wish we could have been there to watch the ceremony. We are tremendously proud of you, Sarah!!

Paul, Andrea, and Ara
Anthony said…
Congrats Sarah!
AutismNewsBeat said…
Nice work, Sarah!
ST said…
Aw, thanks for the congrats, everyone. It will be REALLY exciting when I actually file the dissertation.

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