Habeas Corpus

This topic deserves more, but I'm on childcare duty, so here's the short version: Any member of Congress who does not support habeas corpus, the right to challenge imprisonment in a court of law, is un-American and not worthy of support. This is a right people in our tradition have enjoyed since the Magna Carta, and the fact that this is controversial is a great source of shame. It shows how quickly and willingly we have thrown away our precious liberties. We want them back.

Since it seems like Democrats are the only ones who might possibly step up, the spotlight is on them. But Republicans could step up too, and the fact that they aren't only increases my already great contempt for them.

I hawk the loogie of disrespect on anyone who doesn't support re-instating this ancient and vital right. If the government can imprision you (and it can) and you can't challenge it, what use are all your other freedoms?

(HT: Sullivan for bringing this up)


Timothy Carter said…
Say it like it is, man. I always find interesting stuff to read when I swing by this blog. Thanks!

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