Your tax dollars at work

Another example of how doing nothing in response to 9/11 would have been a better response than what we are doing:

As terrorist targets go, the small town of Ocean View has neither a large population nor an industry that’s a potentially catastrophic target, such as a nuclear plant or chemical factory.

But no other jurisdiction in Delaware has worked the complex federal Homeland Security system for grants and gear as successfully as Ocean View. And according to Police Chief Kenneth McLaughlin, no town is better prepared for what he believes is the inevitable terrorist attack.

“Our little elementary school is more of a target than the White House,” says McLaughlin, an animated man who wears a white uniform shirt equipped with the kind of stars given to military generals. “We saw it in the Soviet Union. The Chechens took one. We can’t let our guard down.”

To “eliminate or isolate the threat,” the chief says, Ocean View pursued $111,632 in tactical gear and other equipment from U.S. Homeland Security Department defense grants, about $100 per resident for a quiet town separated from Bethany Beach by the lazy water in Assawoman Canal.

Everything the Bush administration does seems to be a done from a "pork first, reality last" frame of mind. This item comes via slacktivist, who points to this Onion article for comparison:
Security Beefed Up At Cedar Rapids Public Library

The Onion

Security Beefed Up At Cedar Rapids Public Library

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA-In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the Cedar Rapids Public Library is undertaking steps to tighten security, library officials announced Monday.

Once again, say it with me: Their reality has lapped our satire.


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