25,000 Americans stuck in Lebanon

Another example of the Bush administration leaving Americans in shitty situations: seems we can’t get our citizens out of Lebanon (HT: slacktivist). Maybe France can bail us out! Here’s SuperFrenchie:
Heard tonight on CNN: “the French rescued me!

That was an American woman, rescued from Beyrouth on a French ship.

On Monday, France rescued 800 French citizens, 400 Europeans and 50 Americans to Cyprus. They will be flown on Tuesday from Cyprus to Paris. 800 military personnel, in addition to 2 war ships, are assisting the operation.

By comparison, by Monday night, the American authorities had evacuated a grand total of… 64 American citizens.

Not only that, but those Americans cannot take more than one 30-pound bag with them, have to leave their laptops and cameras behind, and have to pay a $300 evacuation fee or sign a promissory note (in other words, they’re getting a loan!) All of that to go to Cyprus, where they will be left to sleep… in the street!

Who’s in charge over there, Brownie?
I’ve heard that the $300 evacuation fee has recently been reversed, under pressure from congressional Democrats. This Kos diarist has more on how Condi is screwing this up. The LA times says “Officials estimate that 25,000 Americans have poured into Lebanon this summer.” My advice to those 25,000? Go with the Europeans.


grishnash said…
The new slogan of this country (at least where natural or human disaster is concerned) seems to be "Eh, whaddyagonnado..."
Zachary Drake said…
Seriously. I should make sure my disaster perparedness is better, because should an earthquake strike the Bay Area, I can't imagine Bush would lift a finger to save us Blue Staters.

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