Billmon enjoys intra-conservative spat

Billmon has little sympathy for Andrew Sullivan, who is now being attacked by the far-right blogosphere for insufficient devotion to Dear Leader and the The Cause:
Randy Andy still seems to be having trouble figuring out if he's Roy Cohn or Oscar Wilde -- persecutor or persecuted. He's not alone: These days it seems like half of Right Blogistan is busy hurling accusations of betrayal and cowardice at the other half, while that other half is trying hard to ignore the many times it fired those same charges across the DMZ into Left Blogistan.

Well, let me help you out, Andy. To paraphrase Grady, the ghostly caretaker from The Shining: You're Roy Cohn. You've always been Roy Cohn. You may have managed to stuff your slime down your own memory hole, but you can't erase the electronic traces of it, which reveal that you aimed your little Wildean bon mot at Susan Sontag, Nom Chomsky, Michael Moore and Eric Alterman -- none of whom sympathized, immediately or later, with Al Qaeda, except in the diseased tissue of your own shrunken brain.

I am perhaps more sympathetic to Sullivan, but then I wasn't around the blogosphere during his Bush bootlicking days. And he's been admirably outspoken against the use of torture and in favor of gay marriage. And in the present political climate, I'll take as an ally anyone who seems to think that reality should play an important role in political decision making.

UPDATE: Atrios says, "I think I'm a teensy bit more forgiving than Billmon, but only a teensy bit."


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