Images of Beirut devastation

Here are some images from the Washington Post. They are panorama views of some of the destruction in Lebanon. (They require a Quicktime plug-in, I think.) (HT: Taylor Marsh)

It's pretty clear to me that the US is not going to seriously try to stop Israel from continuing its campaign, at least for a while. In fact, we're speeding up a delivery of guided bombs to Israel. I bet that's going to win a lot of hearts and minds in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Marsh says: "Holy mother of God, but this has got to be the most fly by night foreign policy strategy in U.S. history, coupled with hints of a longer war." Digby even speculates that Israel was counting on the United States to pressure it into toning down its Lebanon campaign, and now has no way to back down without losing face:
The Israelis should ask themselves if they really want to do George W. Bush's dirty work for him. I continue to suspect they did not expect that the US would give them the green light on this (it is insane, after all) and now they have no face saving way out. America did not do its job and now things are deteriorating beyond anyone's control.
I think the Bush administration is going the exact wrong way on this. I think Bush wants us to get involved in another war just in time for the midterm elections. I hope we can say we "Won't Get Fooled Again".

Looking at things from Israel's point of view, I can understand their frustration in dealing with Hezbollah. If Hezbollah can kidnap soldiers and shoot rockets at Israel, shouldn't Israel be able to retaliate? And if Hezbollah is part of Lebanon (it is part of the government, but is not controlled by the government, a rather odd arrangement, but that's how it is), isn't it normal that Lebanon would suffer as part of the reprisals? I think Israel has every right to go after Hezbollah. I just think the way they're doing it is counter-productive. And I think the United States should distance itself from this fight as much as possible, rather than cheer Israel on as it has been doing. Nobody's wearing white hats here. Certainly not us.


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