Bush tries to put the moves on German Chancellor

Ugh. I know this is small potatoes in the catalogue of Bush’s bad deeds, but it totally damages US prestige. If you can believe it, our president went up behind Angela Merkel at the G8 conference and tried to give her a surprise shoulder rub. Digby links to Taylor Marsh (and I link to both, trackback slut that I am), where you can find a whole series of pictures.

Update: Majikthise comments on this episode:
Every woman will recognize the guy who sidles up and starts "casually" giving you a backrub without even looking at you, because he wants to preserve deniability in case you freak out. Like any practiced groper, Bush stares right past Merkel as she recoils from his touch.

The play fails, but he just moves on, eyes averted, like it's her problem. ("Oh my God, there's a hysterical woman displaying inappropriate behavior! I'll just pretend I don't notice her egregious gaffe.")

What an inappropriate jerk. I am deeply ashamed that this man is president of my country.

Update II: There's some short jerky video here.
Update III: Two days later, Sullivan's got a link to the video as his "YouTube of the Day".


Anonymous said…
I love how she throws him off like the creep he is. And yeah, definitely not good for our foreign relations.
Zachary Drake said…
I promise I will only give shoulder rubs to you, my darling, and not to any heads of state I manage to sneak up on.

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