What more have they done behind our backs?

Well, it seems like more revelations about this administration’s intelligence programs will be forthcoming soon. Apparently, even the Republican Chair of the House Intelligence committee thinks Bush’s concealment has gone too far, and has written a letter to Bush complaining. Maybe he’s a liberal traitor, too. I’m suspicious that there may be some fake outrage kabuki going on here. This may have been provoked by Greenwald’s remarks in Update II of this post. I skimmed the analysis he’s linked to, but I can’t fully follow all the twists and turns. It sounds like some vicious Republican infighting might be going on.

Update: Digby weighs in:
I'm beginning to think the only way we'll ever get to the bottom of this is if we start a rumor that they are tracking gun owners. That's the only thing that worries Republicans enough that the congress will do something about it. If spy satellites are illegally monitoring people's homes or offices in some way, they believe Americans should be happy to comply. You have to be willing to give up some of your civil liberties so that the government can keep you safe --- except from gunfire, for which you should take personal responsibility by being heavily armed and prepared to kill in self-defense.


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