Neocons think bombing people makes them more friendly

According to this ThinkProgress report, Bill Kristol suggests that by use of “targeted military force”, we can empower Iranian moderates to install a more friendly regime (because that worked so well in Iraq, I guess):
KRISTOL: It is, but also the Iranian people dislike their regime. I think they would be – the right use of targeted military force — but especially if political pressure before we use military force – could cause them to reconsider whether they really want to have this regime in power. There are even moderates – they are not wonderful people — but people in the government itself who are probably nervous about Ahmadinejad’s recklessness.
He’s right that Iranians don’t like their current regime. But nothing will drive Iranians into the arms of the hard-line fanatics who rule over them faster than a US military strike. (Well, OK maybe an Israeli military strike would do the job faster.)

(Atrios links to this story, too, and has a similar opinion.)


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