More proof the liberals are stronger than God

Yes, the golden boy of the Christianists, Ralph Reed, failed to get nominated for Lt. Governor of Georgia. If the man Time Magazine called “The Right Hand of God” (I can barely suppress a derisive chuckle—wait a sec, why should I suppress it? Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle) can’t even get himself nominated to be Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, than maybe they’re just not as powerful as all that. Of course, being in bed with Abramoff and in the pay of gambling interests probably didn’t help his standing with the conservative base (only Bill Bennett gets to gamble!). Digby and Atrios both gloat a bit.

Digby takes the opportunity to point out Lieberman’s connection to the culture whiners of the Christian Right (though the link to Reed himself seems a bit tenuous). I knew Lieberman was in a snit about violent computer games back in the 90s, but I didn’t know how linked he was to the likes of Sam Brownback (wingnut-Kansas), et al. All the more reason for Connecticut to jettison him.


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