Insults or the gas chamber: Your choice, MSM

This cartoon (click on it to enlarge; hat tip: Atrios, but he really should put trackbacks back, because then I’d link to him more often) really captures what seems to be going on with the media these days. Sometimes it seems that we have stepped through the looking glass into an alternate universe where people are more offended by being called “wanker” by some random blogger than by accusations of treason and talk of the gas chamber (which I won’t dignify with links because I don’t want to bump up their Google rankings, but you can find them easily if you try). Wake up mainstream media. We’re not calling for your heads. The right wing is. That’s your reward for giving them a platform from which to spout their hate. We may be screaming at you, but we’re on your side.

By the way, if you want to read the original posts that started the whole Blogs vs. The New Republic war, they are the “wanker” post liked above and this one.


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