Bush is completely delusional

OK, we already knew that, but this is more support for that thesis:
WASHINGTON - President Bush said Wednesday he wants Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney to remain with him until the end of his presidency, extending a job guarantee to two of the most-vilified members of his administration.

"Both those men are doing fantastic jobs and I strongly support them," Bush said in an interview with The Associated Press and others.
I must once again echo Sullivan:

Let me put this kindly: anyone who believes that Donald Rumsfeld has done a "fantastic job" is out of his mind. The fact that such a person is president of the United States is beyond disturbing. But then this is the man who told Michael Brown he was doing a "heckuva job." And, yes, our Iraq policy begins to look uncannily like the Katrina response.

The president, in other words, has just proved that he is utterly unhinged from reality, in a state of denial truly dangerous for the world. He needs an intervention. Think of this election as an intervention against a government in complete denial and capable of driving the West off a cliff. You can't merely abstain now. Bush just raised the stakes.
Remember, Sullivan is a conservative, if that word still means anything.


Anonymous said…
I think Sullivan's point is that he is a conservative, but Bush is not.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for stopping by, Robert. Yes, I agree. Part of Sullivan's critique of Bush is that he has completely betrayed what Sullivan considers to be core conservative principles: skepticism, humility, and fiscal discipline.

I hope my post didn't imply otherwise.
grishnash said…
Bush at this point reminds me of a driver who just won't admit that he missed that last turn he was supposed to take, and is instead insisting that Disneyland is right up ahead around the next curve, even as the sign you just passed said:


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