Deceptive Republican Robo-Calling

Republicans are making annoying Robo-calls that sound like they are from Democrats, unless you sit through the whole darn thing and hear the Republican tag at the end. Story on Kos.

This is vile and disgusting and if it isn't illegal, it damn well should be. We need some better way to penalize election foul play, because once the election is over it's too late to really address the problem. Of course, the best way to do this is to vote against those who engage in it, and fight against them however you can. We can't wait for the mainstream media or some spineless election commission to rescue us.

UPDATE: More on the robocall story here.


Anonymous said…
Hey, I emailed you about this last week! :P
Zachary Drake said…
Sorry: HT to Mad Latinist
Anonymous said…
Nono, I just mean my sources are VASTLY SUPERIOR. That's why my blog is more political than yours.
Anonymous said…
(I add that blogger requested that I prove I'm a human by typing "wndfl" which obviously stands for "Win, D.F.L.!" Now it wants me to type "kgroag." Not sure what that means.)

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