Will eternal blogospheric glory be mine?

Right now, Kevin Drum of The Washington Monthly has me as the odds on favorite to win the 2006 Crystal Ball Award for predicting +6 Dems in the Senate, +29 Dems in the House and sticking to it:

Only one person correctly predicted both numbers in our election pool: Zachary Drake, who not only picked the right winning margin, but resisted the temptation to change his guess later because it would mean greater pundit glory to have gotten it right from the start. My kind of guy!

This could change later depending on how recounts go, but for now it looks like Zachary is the odds-on favorite to win the Washington Monthly's 2006 Crystal Ball Award. Congratulations!

Of course some recounts could change this and give the award to someone else. Concede, Mr. Macaca! Here's the acceptance "speech" I made over at his blog:
Uhh...I'd like to thank the Academy...this is an incredible honor...I'd like to thank soon-to-be-ex Senator Allen for losing and making Democratic control of the Senate and my winning of the 2006 Crystal Ball award possible in a single stroke...I'd like to thank the progressive blogosphere...especially all the people at my blog, Internal Monologue...oh wait, it's a one person blog...well, thanks to my commenters then...uh...Carl asked if I had a superior dance...so let me give it a try...

NEENER NEENER NEENER! I got it right! All you people who were trembling in fear at the powers of the Great Rove were wrong! Ha ha ha! Such little faith you had! And for those of you who thought the Dems would take more, well YOU WERE WRONG too! HAHAHAHAHA!

Now let's hope some house recount doesn't take this away from me (unless it gives the Dems another seat, in which case I will happily relinquish my award)

P.S.: Does this mean I get to lord it over all the MSM pundits who didn't call it as accurately?


Anonymous said…
P.S.: Does this mean I get to lord it over all the MSM pundits who didn't call it as accurately?
AutismNewsBeat said…
Congrats. I wasn't too far off - 50/50 senate, House up by 20.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! I saw your name on Drum and had to hightail it right over here to give you your due.

I didn't go on record, but I really expected less positive results in both houses, though still a D majority. There's still a part of me that worries about the massive fraud stories more than I ought....
Zachary Drake said…
Does this mean I get to lord it over all the MSM pundits who didn't call it as accurately?

Trex on the Drum thread responded:

Yes, I'm pretty sure this means you are entitled to droit du seigneur with their wives and mistresses. Enjoy!

To which I replied:

Excellent! But I'm married, so I won't be able to enjoy them. I'll tell you what: I'll auction off the driot du seigneur privileges on ebay, and donate the proceeds to netroots candidates for the 2008 cycle. And don't forget that MSM pundits could have husbands/boyfriends too. They'd go up for auction as well.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for stopping by, philip and heraldblog.
Anonymous said…
Zac, that's awesome. Congratulations! Not just wishful thinking but it actually came out that way. Let's hope it makes a difference.
Zachary Drake said…
It's likely I won't win, as some House races are in recount. We'll see.

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