This is my favorite animated short

Bill Plympton's "Your Face". It's like, totally, the coolest thing ever.

I hope this link to his DVD makes up for the intellectual property violation I'm abetting by embedding this YouTube video. Until a new intellectual property paradigm is worked out and standard rules become established that both respect the need for creators to be compensated and allow for easy, quick replication and re-use, I'm going to practice "folk intellectual property law" and try to provide some advertising to those whose work I use. I hope this arrangement is acceptable to the artists and my readers.

UPDATE: It seems that according to Google, I'm the first person to use the term "folk intellectual property law". I claim it. It is mine. Copyright 2006, all rights reserved. Anyone who uses it without paying me a $50 royalty (you can use the PayPal donation button) will hear from my crack squad of deadly IP lawyers. Or, you could just give me a link.


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