Suspect detention hypocricy

I often don't link to Greenwald because I think everyone should just read him all the time, but this was a particularly juicy bit of calling Republicans on their bull:

Sen./Chairman Martinez protests the treatment of terrorist suspects . . . (by Vietnam)

Behold the sheer savagery of the Communist Vietnamese regime -- arresting people and holding them for a full 14 months without formally charging them with a crime (but then giving them a full trial). Is it any wonder that Sen./Chairman Martinez was so outraged by this case?
Just compare the treatment which Foshee received from the Vietnamese government (and which has Sen./Chairman Martinez so upset) to the treatment which, say, Jose Padilla or Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri or Maher Arar received (and are still receiving) from the U.S. Government (treatment which Sen. Martinez not only defends but also voted just last month to legalize), and then ask yourself whether you would prefer to be a terrorist suspect in the U.S. or in Communist Vietnam. Is that a close call?
He goes on to quote Billmon that any attempt on the part of the United States to chastise other countries for such abuses would, alas, trigger a "global laughing fit". It's pretty sad that things have sunk this far. Democrats: high up on your list of priorities should be something about salvaging the national honor.


Zachary Drake said…
Sounds like a worthy project, comrade. But are you sure you want to send these people copies of 1984? It would probably just give them ideas.

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