Saddam Hussein verdict as election theater

The (presumably guilty) verdict in Saddam Hussein's trial is going to be handed down November 5th. Anyone who feels this particular date is a coincidence vis-a-vis the American midterm election on November 7th should have their head examined so that any remaining neurons can be preserved until such time as medical science is capable of growing a new brain from them.

As is often the case, Glenn Greenwald is on it. I agree with him that Democrats need to innoculate the public against this bit of cheap political theater. It reminds me of that scene in the HBO series Rome where Caesar had the king of the Gauls dragged to Rome and publicly strangled to boost his own standing. What's worse is that I'm sure Iraqis know that this manipulation is going on, and thus it undermines the legitimacy of the trial itself. But Bush et al. certainly never let what would be best for Iraq interfere in any way whatsoever with an attempt to score cheap partisan political points.


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