Final Polling: Democrats lead, but by how much?

News is mostly very good for Democrats, though some polls have shown "tightening". Here's a sample:

Latest Fox poll has Dems up by 13...So, that's 4 polls with Dems up by more than 10 points (13+ actually) and 2 3 polls with Dems up by fewer than 10 points.
Some see a tightening of the national Congressional race to a 12 point gap. Not this CNN one:

Democrats hold a 20 percentage-point advantage - 58 percent to 38 percent - over Republicans among likely voters in the survey released Monday morning. The Democratic advantage was 11 percentage points - 53 percent to 42 percent - in a poll a week ago.

No predictions here.

Election 2006:
Senate: 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 1 tie; House: 239 Democrats, 196 Republicans.
MyDD Poll Summary:

Today we are again seeing a similarly quizzical situation, with about half of likely voter generic polls showing the Democrats up by a margin that would undoubtedly demoralize and defeat the Republicans while the other half of the surveys shows the Democrats holding a smaller, though still statistically significant lead. These are the last six generic congressional ballot polls split by their conclusions about the electorate (all data from Polling Report).

Democratic Landslide

CNN (Fri-Sun): Democrats 58 - Republicans 38
Newsweek (Thu-Fri): Democrats 54 - Republicans 38
Time (Wed-Fri): Democrats 55 - Republicans 40

Narrower Democratic Lead

USA Today/Gallup (Thu-Sun): Democrats 51 - Republicans 44
ABC News/Washington Post (Wed-Sat): Democrats 51 - 45
Pew (Wed-Sat): Democrats 47 - Republicans 44


These damned polls have been like a roller coaster ride. I'm to the point now where I just want it to be over. I'm holding my breath and crossing my fingers that the Dems at least take the house. If they can also take the senate would just be icing on the cake.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for stopping by, patricia.

Yes, I admit a bit of a roller coaster experience, too. We shouldn't let ourselves get psyched out by the expectations game. The Senate would be icing on the cake, and very tasty icing indeed.

Once the election is over, we'll still have to work work work. The Republicans and their ideology and their backers won't go away even if defeated.

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