A plea for socialized medecine

Now that I've had more substantial interactions with this country's health care system (or at least part of it), I'm more aware of the problems. (I think we got great care, but the billing is very confusing and I still don't have much idea how much it's going to end up costing.) Our country is going to have to reform healthcare for reasons of economic competitiveness, if nothing else. This Slate article makes the case (HT: Minipundit). I think the government shouldn't meddle in things the private sector does well. Unfortunately, it seems like the private sector isn't doing such a great job, when we compare the US to other countries.

PS: If we have to call it something else for political reasons, that's fine. And yes, I'm aware that this issue was used to bash the Dems with in 1994. Maybe the Republicans should make it the centerpiece of their agenda, in a Nixon-goes-to-China sort of way. That would make me take notice and give those pathetic LOSERS a second look.


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