Ted Haggard: Puritanical Hypocricy Watch
Turns out that Ted Haggard, the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals is stepping down for "spiritual counseling" (HT: Sullivan). Bwahwahwawha!!! Could it have anything to do with the fact that a gay prostitute recently claimed that he had received money from Haggard for sex and saw him using methamphetamines? And that this guy claims to have voicemails from Haggard (posing as "Art") to prove it?
This guy is considered "one of the most prominent evangelical pastors in the nation" and is founder of the 14,000-member New Life Church. Here's a picture of him:
If these allegations are true (and from how Haggard is reacting, it seems like they are), that's pretty gosh darn funny. He seems like a good-looking guy. I bet he could have obtained gay sex without paying for it, but of course his public position constrained his ability to court a man in a more traditional manner.
This guy is considered "one of the most prominent evangelical pastors in the nation" and is founder of the 14,000-member New Life Church. Here's a picture of him:
