Trent Lott? I see GOP minority outreach is in full swing

(Image stolen from billmon.) Trent Lott (R) is now Minority Whip in the Senate. I'll refrain from making the obvious joke and say only that right wingers don't seem to be too happy about this. I don't normally link to right wing blogs, as doing so increases their prestige, but when they cry out in collective dismay it's too fun to pass up:

Trent Lott Voted To Senate Minority Whip Spot…Why, God, Why????? (UPDATED)

[...] If it wasn’t clear before, it should be clear to everyone now that the GOP could care less to be in the majority. They couldn’t handle it when they had it, spent like democrats, acted like cowards, and now with the announcement of Mel Martinez as GOP head coupled with this news it’s pretty obvious they could care less if they ever get it back. Gee, I wonder how many times we’re gonna have to hear about his Strom Thurmond gaffe in the next couple of years???
In case you don't remember, Trent Lott was ousted from GOP leadership in 2002 for praising Strom Thurmond's segregationist presidential run. Now he's back (Lott, not Thurmond. Thurmond lived a long time, but not that long. He's the angel pictured over Lott in the image above,). I'm sure his presence will improve the Republican party's standing among minority voters and those concerned about issues of race. Ha ha ha.

Wouldn't it be nice if the GOP actually gave up bigotry as an electoral strategy?


AutismNewsBeat said…
That's a great graphic!

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