Creepy puritanism watch: purity ball fun

ENOUGH about the election. Now is the time on Internal Monologue when we make fun of puritans!

OK, well maybe we don't make fun of them, we just show their promotional videos and assume that our readers can snort with derision appropriately. HT: Amanda Marcotte on Pandagon, whose sentiments I must echo:
If you weren’t already completely grossed out by this phenomenon, just wait until you hear the guy explain about a 17-year-old girl sitting in her dad’s lap and explaining that she doesn’t need boyfriends because she gets everything she’d need from them from Daddy.
The creepy quote starts at about 1:49 into the video. I didn't hear "17-year-old-girl", but he does talk about a teenage girl sitting in her dad's lap and explaining how she didn't need a boyfriend. The idea that a father's "Godly affection" can satisfy the romanto-erotic needs of his heterosexual teenage daughter is some combination preposterously naive and deeply sick. I don't know whether to laugh or call Child Protection Services.

You know, the idea of a fancy night out for fathers and daughters would be nice if it didn't have all the creepy sexual overtones. The puritans, in their effort to stamp out every form of pleasure, force sexuality to leak out in the weirdest, most inappropriate ways. It's perverted, man. I'm having a puritanical reaction just looking at the stuff. (And yet like the puritans, I still look. The exquisite pleasure of being morally offended!)


AutismNewsBeat said…
I don't think Wes Craven could come up with something creepier than that. It could be a trailer for Saw 4.
Zachary Drake said…
Yes, it's the old "truth is stranger than fiction" thing. Fiction is constrained by believability. Weird-ass puritan activities are not.

Freud may not have been right about everything (e.g. toilet training is key to personality formation), but whenever I see something like this I think he wasn't completely smoking crack with all that child / parent sexuality stuff.
anomalous4 said…
The video in question has myseriously disappeared from the face of the earth. Or from YouTube, at any rate.

However, a couple of promo clips for the PB are up at the producer's site: One Hat Design
Anonymous said…
I noticed this thread after checking my website referrer logs today. "anomalous4" linked to my site saying I produced the YouTube video. This is incorrect... I have no connection to that video. However, I was hired to produce two promo videos for a local purity ball in IL, and as such have a few comments to make:

I am 30 years old and just got married five months ago. My wife and I were both virgins when we got married, and each of us considers ourself a gift to the other person. I can guarantee you that our sex life is in no way diminished because of our lack of "experience" or "practice". In fact, I would argue it's so much better than it ever would have been otherwise. There are no comparisons going on in our minds between our spouse and past lovers. Every step of intimacy we took was together--a unique experience for us both--and it was so incredibly special. There is a bond between us now that is not shared with anyone else in the world. I am so thankful that my wife kept herself fully for me, and she's glad I kept myself fully for her.

When I become a father someday, I want to do whatever I can to help my children keep themselves wholly for their future mates so they can experience the same amazing pleasure and happiness I did. That doesn't mean I'll treat them harshly or lock them up in the basement until their wedding days... it means I'll love them and earn their trust and teach them so they won't want to give themselves away prematurely.

People who think these purity balls encourage incest, or the ownership of one person over another, or some sort of erotic love between a father and his dauther have got it completely backwards.

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