Election update

Not really much to report that hasn't been said elsewhere...be sure to vote against the Republicans tomorrow, if you haven't already. It's the first step to putting this country on a sensible track.

Don't let Republican FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) demoralize you. They're on the ropes, so they're unleashing all sorts of vile tactics to attempt to turn people off: deceitful "robocalls", various extraordinary claims about surges in the polls, etc. Yes, they will try dirty tricks, but there are a lot of very vigilant Democrats keeping a close watch on things.

I am guardedly hopeful for tomorrow. Enough is enoguh is enough. And whatever happens tomorrow, the progressive movement won't be going away. Whether it's a stunning defeat or a overwhelming victory, or something in between, we are not going anywhere, and we will only grow in power as more people connect to this movement.


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