FOX news propaganda memo

OK, you already knew this, but FOX news are blatant Republican propagandists. We have a memo from Huffington Post here outlining the spin FOX was supposed to put forth on November 9th. It sounds like they did, according to the links you can follow from this Crooks and Liars post. Remember, Dan Rather was ousted from CBS over the faked memos about Bush's lack of National Guard service. Will anything similar happen here? I highly doubt it.

If FOX news wants to be a propaganda organ, that's fine. But they shouldn't pretend to be a news organization. And for God's sake (rhetorical theism only--I haven't converted) everyone needs to stop treating them like one. I'll still refer to them from time to time, but when I do I will keep in mind what they are, and constantly remind my readers of the same.


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