Democrats still have the momentum

Sorry for the light posting at this exciting political time, but babys and visiting close friends have pulled me away from the blogosphere. Just two things to note:

Dems still have the momentum.

This administration says that those who have been tortured can't talk to their lawyers about it, because that would be revealing state secrets. This is sick and Kafka-esque. This administration needs to be opposed in every possible way.


Zachary Drake said…
Dude, you are weird. This is a way long comment. Did you write it just for Internal Monologue, or are you drive-by spamming it everywhere? I suspect the latter.

I usually am glad to have people stop by, but I prefer that they respond to things I've posted. I'm leaving your rather verbose comment here as an example of the sort of thing that happens in the blogosphere, but that should in no way be construed as an endorsement of your positions, most of which seem pretty wack to me.
grishnash said…
Dude! You got Kalkied! This guy is one of the charter members of the Usenet Looney Hall of Fame from waaaaaaaay back in the paleolithic era of the Internet. And yeah, he has pretty much been a drive-by spammer from back before there was a word for spammers...
Zachary Drake said…
Dude, that's pretty exciting. So this is an Internet wacko with a heritage, excellent! Any looney who can trace their heritage back to the early days of Usenet is welcome to drop spam on my blog.

So does this guy rate with the famous Robert E. "TIME HAS INERTIA" McElwaine? Or is he a lesser netlooney luminary? He doesn't seem to have his own wikipedia entry, unlike McElwaine, whose off-kilter use of capitalization is still capable of producing mental disequilibrium to this day.
grishnash said…
Well, by the classic Deities & Demigods ranking system, he'd probably be a "Lesser God". Not up there with the McElwaines of the world, but annoying enough to transcend mere demigod or hero status.

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