Political term of the day: Dog-whistle Politics
Dog-whistle politics refers to the practice of using coded language in political speech that only your intended target audience can hear. The rest of us just find it confusing if we hear it at all. George W. Bush used the technique in the presidential debates. Remember when he mentioned the Dred Scott slavery case ? Everyone was scratching their heads wondering what the hell he could be referring to. But it was actually quite obvious , once you let Google do the work for you: anti-abortion activists see themselves as similar to anti-slavery activists. For them, Roe v. Wade is like Dred Scott. So when he criticized Dred Scott, he wasn't just stating the glaringly obvious (that slavery is wrong), he was sending a message to anti-reproductive rights folks that he's on their side, without alerting pro-choice people that this is the case. A more recent example of this technique might be his seemingly bizarre statement that Iraq is " just a comma ". Some on the left have ...