Tony Blair to step down "within a year"

Tony Blair's stock had been falling for quite some time. Now he's planning to step down (HT: Sullivan) I can't imagine his close association with Bush helped his political fortunes any. I wouldn't go as far as Sullivan does, who says "Congrats, Mr. President...You've managed to destroy your best ally." As far as I can tell, Blair's adhesion to Bush was largely Blair's own doing. I don't know much about all the intra-party Labour struggles with Gordon Brown, Blair's supposed successor. But I can't picture post-Blair Britain being as cozy with Bush.

Of course, I could never figure out why Blair himself was so cozy with him. Someone please point me to the great article or blog post that makes sense of that relationship. Maybe he thought he'd be a moderating influence a la Colin Powell. I could have told him that wouldn't work. In a way, Blair made the same mistakes Democrats were making: "If we accomodate Bush and his batshit agenda, we'll gain some influence! He'll have to meet us part way on some things!" Wrong. Accomodating him only lends him legitimacy, and makes it harder for Democrats to draw a sharp line between us and them. Bush and his ilk see compromise as weakness to be taken advantage of (witness their contempt of diplomacy). They are radicals, and must be treated as such.


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