Internal Monologue retracts a post

Well, this is a first. I deleted a post. It was brought to my attention by Mark A.R. Kleiman that the characterization of his views presented in a quote I posted by Retardo Montalban was inaccurate. I should have checked on my own before posting the quote, but since I agreed with Retardo's overall thesis (that some writers have an annoying tendency to desire "politeness" at all costs), I didn't check to see if the example Retardo was using actually supported it. This was sloppy on my part. Having now thoroughly examined the Kleiman post in question, I don't think Kleiman's post is a good example of this phenomenon. So I removed the post and apologized to Mr. Kleiman for posting a quote that misrepresented him. And I apologize to him once again here.

There was a huge blowup between Atrios and Kleiman involving Jane Galt back in 2003. And apparently Atrios' link to the Retardo post on Sadly, No! (which is how I found it) was a re-ignition of that old conflict. I, of course, had no idea about any of this, having not been active in the blogosphere in 2003. But I still should have checked into Kleiman's actual post before posting a quote that characterized it in a certain (highly negative) way.

Well, one thing that's fun about the blogosphere is rapid reader feedback. This whole exchange would have taken weeks back in the paper days.


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