What motivates Bush "dead enders"

I just did a post about a Christian who saw the light. Let us move now to a post about a Christian who most decidedly does not see the light, or perhaps is seeing too much of a certain kind of light, so much so that she has been blinded. Sullivan links to this CNN.com story about Southern women dumping Bush (politically). But some folks are hanging on. Here's the quote that exemplifies what scares me the most:
"There are some people, and I'm one of them, that believe George Bush was placed where he is by the Lord," Tomanio said. "I don't care how he governs, I will support him. I'm a Republican through and through."
Now this is just one quote, but I, Sullivan, and others believe that a substantial portion of the electorate thinks this way. That is very scary. "I don't care how he governs, I will support him." what a beautiful, simple statement of blind faith in a political figure.

It amazes me how someone can essentially say, "reality matters not" with a straight face. But then certain strains of Christianity and Islam have always treated this world with the utmost contempt. This woman was trained to think this way partially by her religious upbringing (though I suspect the most important factor is that many people around her also think that way). Certainly nothing in the American political tradition could support such a statement.

This is one reason why Monotheism annoys the crap out of me. So many religions today teach poor habits of thought, which may be relatively harmless when confined to metaphysical realms, but which inevitably seep out to pollute other kinds of thinking. In this case, political thinking. "I don't care how he governs." I feel Godwin's Law pushing me to make the inevitable analogy.

Of course, I suspect if George W. Bush spat on the crucifix, came out as homosexual, took everyone's guns away, and imposed a tax on hard-working Americans to fund free crack for illegal immigrants, people like this would suddenly discover that they do care about how he governs. In fact, on the immigration issue alone, Bush seems to have lost his divine aura of infallibility. So I don't think these kinds of people are as loyal as they think they are. Consciously, they might swear blind loyalty, but I bet that subconsciously they are evaluating him, and would be willing to shift their allegiance should Bush lose the "Mandate of Heaven".


Joe Mc'Lynch said…
They're just scared that if they dont support Bush's "christian values", they'll get sent to Hell for not being "Christian" enough. Quite sad really.
grishnash said…
Something tells me that this belief has less to do with the Mandate of Heaven, and is more left over from the Divine Right of Kings.

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