Bwahahaha! Disney can't even spell!

How inaccurate is ABC's Path to 9/11? So inaccurate they can't even get Madeleine Albright's name correct:

Bwahahahahaha! (HT: AmericaBlog via Atrios). I actually searched through the clip (available on YouTube here) to find this frame, and it's there at about 4:24. Maybe Disney/ABC delibrately changed her name so as to be able to claim she's a different Secretary of State, so they could attribute to her all sorts of silly things. Maybe I should make a "truthful" documentary in which a character named Condoleeza Rice gets a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in US" and then drops the ball...oh I guess I don't have to because the real Condoleezza Rice already did that.

Disney sucks and Mickey Mouse is a shill for Bush.


Anonymous said…
Is it really necessary to bring poor Mickey into all of this? : (
Zachary Drake said…
I must confess, I've never really liked Mickey. And it wasn't me who decided to soil Mickey. It was Disney. Yes, it's sad that the icon so many love has come to be associated with a blantantly slanted piece of right-wing propaganda. Maybe Mickey could redeem himself by popping at various times during "Path to 9/11" and saying in his high, squeaky voice, "This scene is total bullshit. It was put here in a lame attempt to deflect criticism away from Bush!"
AutismNewsBeat said…
You can watch the worst parts of ABC's crapumentary at RedState, if you don't mind slumming. Parts are jaw-droppingly bad, such as the scene when an indignant female NSA staffer barges into an intelligence meeting, and stutters "You could have stopped it all. You had bin Laden in your sites and you let him go!" It reminded me of that scene from Jaws when the grief stricken mother confronts the hapless sheriff who knew about the giant boy-eating shark all along. All that was missing from ABC's version was Sandy Berger getting slapped across the face, then admitting later "She was right. I had it coming!"

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