Bwahahaha! Disney can't even spell!
How inaccurate is ABC's Path to 9/11? So inaccurate they can't even get Madeleine Albright's name correct:
Bwahahahahaha! (HT: AmericaBlog via Atrios). I actually searched through the clip (available on YouTube here) to find this frame, and it's there at about 4:24. Maybe Disney/ABC delibrately changed her name so as to be able to claim she's a different Secretary of State, so they could attribute to her all sorts of silly things. Maybe I should make a "truthful" documentary in which a character named Condoleeza Rice gets a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in US" and then drops the ball...oh I guess I don't have to because the real Condoleezza Rice already did that.
Disney sucks and Mickey Mouse is a shill for Bush.

Disney sucks and Mickey Mouse is a shill for Bush.