Seven Against Dweebs: Conservatives for a Democratic Congress

Andrew Sullivan links to this Washington Monthly special featuring seven conservative commentators hoping for Democratic control of one chamber of Congress, or at least saying divided government would be good for conservative principles. Let's hope we get a chance to find out. And let's work hard to bring it about! You can always give a few bucks to a Netroots candidate. To maximize your political dollar's effectiveness, consider checking out some of the lower-profile races.


Anonymous said…
Regarding that title:

Zachary Drake said…
Yeah, pretty hideous, isn't it? I knew at least you would get it, Mad Latinist. It was either that or "Seven Against Theives" but I decided I liked "Dweebs" more. For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about, there's a Greek tragedy by Aeschylus called "Seven Against Thebes".

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