Bush makes revealing statement

This Bush quote is good enough to get Minipundit on Internal Monologue's blogroll:
"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."
-Our President, to Katie Couric.
Several commenters on Todd Gitlin's TPM Cafe post (where Minipundit found the quote) make this point:
Talk about an opening that Couric was too lame to follow up. It was only day two and Bush was able to make her look a bigger fool than he. God help us all.
The fact that Couric let Bush say that and didn't press him on it does speak rather ill of her. This episode seems rather illustrative of our predicament: an administration that says and does ridiculous crap, and a fawning media that doesn't call them even on their most egregious shit.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the blogroll add! I'm glad you like the site.

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