"Bush = War Criminal" meme spreading (Yay!)
Calling Bush a War Criminal is often denounced as a bit of rhetorical excess from the loony left. But a sober look at the recent Supreme Court case reveals that it might be a rather pedestrian and obvious conclusion. Rosa Brooks has an op-ed in the LA Times (which unlike a certain other “Times” doesn’t charge people to read its columnists on the web) showing how straightforward it is (HT: Taylor Marsh ): But the real blockbuster in the Hamdan decision is the court's holding that Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention applies to the conflict with Al Qaeda — a holding that makes high-ranking Bush administration officials potentially subject to prosecution under the federal War Crimes Act. And then later, she connects the dots to US Federal criminal law: But here's where the rubber really hits the road. Under federal criminal law, anyone who "commits a war crime … shall be fined … or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, sh...