Diary on Kos

I just posted a diary on Kos asserting that the netroots annoyance with Lieberman does not contradict its belief that the Democratic party should be a "big tent" party. The Blogometer accused Kos founder Markos of hypocricy, and I didn't want to let it stand.
Let's see if I can make the ever-coveted "Recommended Diary List". And let's see if we can defend the NetRoots Left from the right-wing flak! Our recent publicity burst from the YearlyKos convention will surely draw much ire and hyperbole.


Zachary Drake said…
Whoohoo! I made the Recommended List! My diary peaked at #3, and is right now at #7. Lots of good comments, too. My ego swells to enormous size. Or rather swells from its already enormous size to dimensions of such gargantuan hugeosity that physicists will have to take its mass into account when making fundamental calculations about the distribution of matter in the universe.
Anonymous said…
Your diary now has 99 comments! I'm very impressed! (But not surprised, because I know I married a brilliant guy.)

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