I've been published on Blogometer!

Speaking of the Blogometer, remember back when I posted that the Blogometer accused Markos of hypocrisy for attacking Lieberman despite his claim to be a “big tent” Democrat? And that this misunderstanding of why the Netroots doesn’t like Lieberman prompted me to reply? And that I posted my reply on DailyKos? And that it made the recommended list?

Well, probably you don’t remember but in any case the Kossacks weren’t the only ones who liked my response. The folks at the Blogometer itself have posted my reply under the original entry! They also sent me a very nice little e-mail, which expressed thanks for the “thoughtful non-profanity laced reply”. I’m so happy that my avoidance of foul language as enabled me to be the representative of the progressive blogosphere for this issue on this site. And this is a site people actually look at! Well, I look at it anyway, and link to it. Unfortunately, not too many people will see my writing there, because I suspect people only look at the blogometer for that day, and don’t go back and look at previous days. And I’m “zdrake” on DailyKos, not “adrake”.


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