Some victories!

Both of the things that I mentioned in my "Republicans Suck!" post have failed to pass: The "Attack on marriage and writing discrimination into the Constitution amendment" (aka the FMA) failed, and as Atrios points out, the estate tax repeal also failed
Also, the vaccine to protect against some forms of cervical cancer got approval, despite puritanical objections that saving lives "sends the wrong message". God forbid someone should have sex and not suffer horrible consequences.
Note: Blogspot has been acting slow recently, so I hope they fix things soon.


Anonymous said…
That's right up there with the federal government's recent recommendation that all women of childbearing age be treated as "pre-pregnant" since 1/2 of pregnancies are unplanned. (Seems to me like making contraception more available would be a better option, but...) Women of childbearing age shouldn't drink, smoke, or change the litterbox. And they should probably be on prenatal vitamins all the time. I am disgusted by the thought that I am supposed to be treated like a womb until menopause (though the part about the litterbox is fine by me). Read more at: The Washington Post

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