Shut Down Guantanamo Now

If you haven’t yet signed Faithful America’s petition to shut down the Guantanamo gulag yet, I strongly urge you to do so. I don’t think Bush will listen, but people in this country and abroad need to know that we abhor what’s going on there. They also need to know that religious people aren’t all a bunch of Christianist/Dominionist sheep that will bow our heads and say “yea” to whatever crime Dear Leader Bush asks us to commit. This administration’s policies on imprisonment and torture show that it is not just incompetent, but also morally sick and disconnected from what makes America a great nation. Guantanamo is a stain on our national honor so deep that it will take generations to remove. The sooner it and its cousins get shut down, the sooner we can get to work setting things right.

UPDATE: As usual Andrew Sullivan speaks strongly on this. This is going to be something our children will ask us about. "Is it true, Daddy? Why did it happen? Didn't you do anything to stop it?" The very least I want to be able to say is, "I signed a petition to stop it and screamed at the top of my electronic lungs that it was awful to anyone who would listen. Eventually enough of us screamed and petitioned and called and voted people out of office and it WAS shut down. But it took way too long."


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