Bloggin': It's not jist talkin' to yerself!

Thanks to a commenter named Joe, we have a first on Internal Monologue: a dialogue! While I’m not about to go change the name of the site, it is fun to make a connection to someone out there in cyberspace. (Is it just me, or does the word “cyberspace” sound very retro now? Sort of like how “space-age” sounded retro in the early 80’s, if my then-underdeveloped ear for such things can be trusted.) Anyway, see the comments section of this post for an informative debate about the role of the Vatican during WWII and the nature of Christianity and the Catholic Church! Joe opens with:

Please point out a single incident where the Vatican acted "Shamefully" during the holocaust. That is an extremely irresponsible, dangerous, and bigoted statement.

Regular readers Grishnash and Mad Latinist (aka Justin) both chime in. Real blogs have comments! You, too, can join in! Isn’t the Internets cool? Yeah!!!


Anonymous said…

I didn't realize I was charting new territory here.

That's what you get for linking to Andrew Sullivan.

Maybe I'll check in now and then just to stir the pot.

Zachary Drake said…
Yes, this is a very new blog. So you are charting new territory along with everyone else here. I've delibrately been "trackbacking" at a number of prominent sites in a pathetic effort to increase traffic. I guess it's the actor/performer in me.
Anthony said…
Just to note, it's perfectly possible to have an internal monologue with two parties so long as the two parties are both you.

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