Ad creates a boost of Joementum

Seems nobody likes Joe Lieberman’s new TV ad. Real clear politics has it. “It's enough to make one think maybe Lieberman deserves to lose.” is their response. Andrew Sullivan: “Worst ad ever?” Kos: “I have a feeling Lieberman's bear cub ad is going to be a PR disaster for him.” Atrios: “This ad is hilariously awful. What a nasty man, mocking a guy for having knee replacement surgery. Jeebus, what an attitude to have about senior citizens.” Joshua Micah Marshall (who claims not to have taken sides in this race) “This has to be the most ridiculous ad I've ever seen. It's not even that it's mean. It's just too silly and stupid to believe. Does anyone really believe that Lieberman is in this fix because of Lowell Weicker?”

Apparently, this ad is a sequel to one Lieberman successfully used to defeat Lowell Weicker for the Senate seat he currently holds. The cast on the old bear seems to be rather cruel mockery of the fact that Weicker just had hip replacement surgery (maybe it’s not, but it’s hard not to draw that inference). Trying to depict Lamont as a Republican stooge is ridiculous. The whole reason the netroots is supporting him is because Lieberman seems more interested in ingratiating himself with Bush and giving “bi-partisan” cover to Republican dogma that criticism of the war is un-American.


grishnash said…
Oh.... Wow.... Now that's just sad.... If that's the best Karl Rove impression you can do.... Just quit. Now. Ouch. Embarassing.
Zachary Drake said…
Yeah, I wonder about Lieberman's campagin. I'm glad to get your opinion, because I was wondering if the lefty blogosphere (and Sullivan, who is a conservative who dislikes Bush a lot) was just engaging in groupthink in saying how stupid the ad is. I casually looked around Google and couldn't find anyone who thought it was a good ad. Wouldn't the Lieberman campaing focus group this thing first? I'd love to see the reaction scores. Who knows? Maybe it works via subliminal messages or something.

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